Our Team

Our Board

The ateb Board is made of non-executive Board Members who collectively have the skills and experience to govern the ateb Group.

Their high-level governance responsibilities centre on:

  • Setting and monitoring strategic direction.
  • Assessing and managing risk.
  • Monitoring and adjusting performance.

The Board’s vision for how ateb should discharge its obligations is captured in a document called ‘Vision’. The Board monitors ateb against this document to make sure its governance is effective.

The Board operates within the Welsh Government’s ‘Regulation Framework’ and meets around 12 times a year. The ateb Board has a number of sub-committees to assist its work:

  • Assurance Committee – responsible for oversight and scrutiny of the Board, the Assure Framework, the Assets and Liabilities Register and internal audit functions.
  • People and Remuneration Committee – responsible for assessing pay and developing team working practices and conditions.

Our subsidiaries, Mill Bay Homes, West Wales Care & Repair and Effective Building Solutions all have separate Boards that report into the ateb parent Board in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Meet the board

Our Management Teams

Our Executive Management Team consists of the Chief Executive, Executive Director for Development, Executive Director for Finance and Executive Director for Customer.

Our Partners

Our wider team is made up of a range of partner organisations, the following are just a few of the partners we work with.

Meet the Management Teams

Meet our Partners