A note from Nick Hampshire, the Chief Executive

Hi and thank you for having a look at this great opportunity to join us and help us to shape and deliver our ateb Vision. The role is available as our current Executive Director is leaving to return to the commercial world and we thank him for his input and achievements over the last 4 years.

The Finance Directorate is going through change, the digital systems team is a new team concentrating on secure infrastructure with accessible data based on cloud technology and the finance team are upgrading several processes around business planning and payment effectiveness. We don’t want to stand still, so making sure we plan and deliver improvements effectively will be essential so that we free up our teams from manual tasks allowing them to concentrate on customer added value activities.

Post Covid, like most, we are adjusting to the new operating cost norms whilst trying to balance the impact to our customers. We remain in a positive financial and operating position but are conscious of future financial demands such as decarbonising our homes. These challenges mean we need to be better and slicker at planning our financial destiny with accurate and current information flows to allow agile and flexible decision making.

Meeting customers expectations is a constant theme to all our work. Technology and how it will enable better engagement with our customers and the services we offer will underpin our service development. As our customer base matures, so will the expectation on technology solutions, the tech generation is growing every day and so will their demands on us.

As part of the executive team and the wider leadership group, that includes 9 senior team members, you will have an active role in developing the strategies required to support the business over the long term. Taking our lead from the ateb Vision and with our Boards’ guidance, we will ensure we continue to pre-empt future events and improve over time.

We have a willing team to help with any queries about ateb or the specifics of the role, so please get your information into us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Good luck

Nick Hampshire, Chief Executive