Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality and Diversity is Non-Negotiable

We will be inclusive in everything we do as diveristy of background, experience, skills and views enrich our work and services. We know we will need help, so we will seek out and sustain strong collaborative arrangements ith our partners and stakeholders.


We are fully committed to the principle of equal opportunities in employment and in the delivery of our services. We will actively oppose unlawful or unfair discrimination or harassment and will not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, victimisation or intimidation.

Protected Characteristics

It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of one of the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.


We are all expected to comply with and actively promote our Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy and all managers must set an appropriate standard of behaviour and lead by example.


We seek to provide equality of opportunity and treatment for all persons in our employment and seeking employment with us.


We will ensure that our staff and Board Members receive equal opportunities/diversity training, development, guidance and support.


We will monitor the performance of our policy.


If anyone feels they have been discriminated against they are encouraged to raise this through our Grievance Procedure. Allegations will be treated in confidence and investigated in accordance with the relevant procedure.